My name is Rama Laksana Jaya Putra with one younger brother. My birth is Surabaya, December 17th 2001, that make me 17 years old now.
My hobbies is do kind of sports, such as running, swimming, football, and kind of fitness. I'd like to play some games too, at PC either my phone. My favourite game is FPS ( First Person Shooter), it was kind a game that we can shoot using gun. When i have a freetime usually i go sleep or go somewhere cozy, usually at cafe because i like coffee.
I school at 3 Senior High School, 11th grade. There i have some extracurricular, such as futsal and
Since 10th grade im preparing myself in mentally and physically so i can join the AKADEMI MILITER in magelang and it was a boarding school. In AKMIL we school there for 4 years and only take a break in the sunday, from morning until afternoon. The graduates will go to Army Force, Air Force, or Navy Seal. I hope i can
I school at 3 Senior High School, 11th grade. There i have some extracurricular, such as futsal and
Since 10th grade im preparing myself in mentally and physically so i can join the AKADEMI MILITER in magelang and it was a boarding school. In AKMIL we school there for 4 years and only take a break in the sunday, from morning until afternoon. The graduates will go to Army Force, Air Force, or Navy Seal. I hope i can